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About Us

About our brand

Welcome to The Smash Team!

Join us on the journey together
Tote Bag Carry everything with style!

The Smash Team!

Experience the perfect blend of Style and Functionality!

Our versatile backpacks are designed to complemente your stylish racket or paddle!

Drawstring Bag Racket Paddle Lilac

We believe that everyone deserves a practical and functional backpack that adapts to their lifestyle, especially during those moments of taking care of their body and mind while engaging in their favorite sport.

Our mission is to inspire people to push their limits and believe that exercising, regardless of gender and age, can bring incredible moments, especially with our vibrant backpacks.

Not only are they practical and functional, but they have also been designed to be a versatile accessory that complements your style, particularly when you have a cool racket or paddle!

Our objective is to create a community of individuals passionate about maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle through sports.

We have infused a touch of our vibrant, creative, and multicultural Brazilian heritage into our exclusive designs.

Join us on this journey, and together, let’s inspire each other to live our best lives!

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More than just a bag It´s a lifestyle!

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